Thursday, November 30, 2017

Family Council: Couples Council

For the last 6 ,or so, months our family has been holding regular family councils. We have been going over calendar events, menus, and other important family topics and discussions. Although we have been faithful at meeting together as a family we have not taken the wise counsel to meet together for a couple’s council. I would list of several excuses or reasons why we have failed to do so, but each would fall flat. We have not only missed opportunities we have missed blessings. Having time to meet regularly in a couple’s council would better prepare us for our family councils, individualized councils with our children, as well as allow us time to express love and appreciation for the work that each companion does to the functioning and running of our home and family. We have missed out on the added blessing of the revelations from heaven as we meet together to discuss the needs of each of our family members. If we are to safely navigate the rough waters of parenthood we need Heavenly guidance to show us the way. To light the path, we face in the dark and unknown waters ahead. Meeting together frequently can help couples have increased unity and love as they work together for the common good of their family. As mothers and fathers come together they work out family struggles and trials in harmony and love. I am so grateful that we have the knowledge and example of the church government and how it can be applied in the home. I have seen these councils in action and my testimony of their effectiveness grows each time I am privileged enough to serve within one. I love how they can help us to teach and raise our children. A few weeks ago, we had been having some difficulty with our children and the lack of cooperation with us and each other. I sent them off to council together on what they thought we should do to help correct the problem. They came back with a well thought out and written contract signed by all four of them. Both my husband and I read their commitments, added our own commitments, and then signed the contract. Though it wasn’t a formal council with an opening and closing prayer it was a council that came together in unity and love seeking to bring better light and joy to our home. Even if my children forget the contract they signed I hope they at least walked away from the experience with a better understanding of the wonderful powerful influence that counseling together can have in our lives both in church settings as well as within the home. My husband and I will be repenting of our lack of attention to this vital council and seek to make it a regular and consistent part of our family life.


Ballard, M. R. (2012). Counseling with our councils: learning to minister together in the church
and in the family. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book.

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